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Runis: no i'm not saying that this will affect hilde players, i'm stating that this will affect ALL players that are using binds as a handicap. I'm both a pad player and a stick player. So my arguement is coming from both points of view. Now, i prefer to play on stick, but that doesn't justify my agruments dissing pad players.

Simply put, this game was meant for 4 buttons only. however, not everyone plays on stick. SO, to cater to pad players it is only FAIR that we SHOULD all button MAPPING, not button BINDING. (i just want everyone to be clear on what i'm emphasizing.)
Do you want to get booed by a full crowd Kowtow?

If it meant that the scene was blowing up, you'd have to take it as progress. So yeah given the choice between people booing me, and nobody giving a shit about Evo finals, I'd take the boos anyday. Think about it from another perspective, what if he didn't drop those combos and won (since again, YOU not me already said he only lost because he fucked up, lol Hilde), and then went on to win the whole tourney? He could take those boos straight to the bank, maybe even have a little extra satisfaction from it.

Two sides to all of this, but the extra interest that was created can't be denied. People actually paid attention to the game, which is more than we expected to happen. So yeah especially if there's people interested in the game because of all this? Put me in that situation and I'll take those boos anyday, gladly. Again if shit got more personal than just boos, it'd be a different story, but it didn't.
Um CW, It's impossible to Map without Binding.
A button map is like "B+G"
A button bind is like "B+G is assigned to L2", "A is assigned to R1", that sort of thing.
It is impossible to play SC4 without a single button bind because the game won't let you out of the menu screen until A, B, K and G have all been bound to at least one button each.
THX to everyone for the great competition.
Espescially to the people who organize such a big event.

Thx for all the congratulations.

See you in Denver.
Link, see you there for the FT10.

Ps: In my opinion, Hilde is broken.
But I like the challenge so I don't care...
Just like when Gief have to deal with Sim in SF.
Evo staff said that they were highly impressed with the skill level of Soul Calibur 4 at Evo. Seeing the crowd boo also showed that there is a strong following of the game. It wasn't about us sitting in a reserved corner of a room, with one TV, and one PS3. The second to the last time Soul Calibur was at Evo, it was getting boos as well. Because of the players playing safe and not giving an inch, it bored the audience and they let the players know. The players took it to heart and the very next year both of them were in the finals again, and decided against playing their usual safe style, and opted to play it out with characters they thought were more exciting to watch. Granted, they weren't very good with those characters, but they did try to give the people what they wanted.

I wouldn't have changed a thing about Evo 2k9, except for maybe some more of the top players around the world to have been able to make it, and for Chacha to have plugged 8wayrun.com as the community home. I think I heard him say we are at Soulcalibur.com? lol anyway, I would like to say that next year, if the Hilde players get discouraged from playing their characters to please the crowd instead, to not do it. Play your character. The boo's were a good thing. Nobody dislikes any of you. The results couldn't have been better. Cass out-damaged both of the Hilde players, but with that deadly ringout potential of Hilde always lurking, it kept the matches intense and entertaining to watch. Nobody knew who was going to win. That's Evo in it's purest. Be proud of your placings, and enjoy the moment. You're all champions in my opinion.
Even after an amazing Evo and SC4 showing it's good to see the community hasn't changed. At all.

Hopefully whatever new interest that was rustled up doesn't get driven away by threads that end up like this one.

Congrats Malek on your impressive win.

As far as the booing goes, who cares? It's not like they were in his face and nobody was gonna fight over it either. So why's it so serious? Either way, it may not be right, but it comes with competition. MAN UP OR GO THE FUCK HOME. Simple
just hope that it'll be around for next years evo and that namco was actually present during the finals and were taking notes, and that some patch will be release soon
Um CW, It's impossible to Map without Binding.
A button map is like "B+G"
A button bind is like "B+G is assigned to L2", "A is assigned to R1", that sort of thing.
It is impossible to play SC4 without a single button bind because the game won't let you out of the menu screen until A, B, K and G have all been bound to at least one button each.

If that's the case, then i must be using the wrong terminiology for the thing then. What i'm trying to say is:
no 1 button on a pad should be set for 2 buttons.

ex: L1 = B not L1 = B+G
that's what i mean

Kowtow: i watched it again....and you're right....makes me mad. But it didn't matter. he still said C3A tracks 360 degrees. i lol'd

Yes, the boos helped with the hype of the game, for all of those that said that booing shouldn't be allowed, probably hasn't gone to a sports game live. That's just like saying (and this is just a reference.....) that i've never ONCE been to a spurs game and have the crowd NOT boo the Lakers. That just doesn't happen in competitive sports. you have a rival, it's only natural to boo the rival. that in itself builds hype, which in turn builds competitive spirit and possibly new players to the scene...

oh well gotta get back to wrk
i thought an ivy would win but thats because i thought it would have been Link. i cant wait to see these videos and hear of the unruly booing.