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ATL's FINEST Leixia SA Mod
I believe that the right to result to an abortion should be left for the pregnant woman to decide. Although, it should be restricted to legitimate reasons for getting an abortion and not, “I got pregnant by mistake” but not banned entirely. Nevertheless, there are several reasons for getting an abortion but which reasons would be considered legitimate and illegitimate?
Abortion decision making isn’t all based on morality rather a large percentage of it, because the majority of women who decide to have an abortion habitually makes choices in moral terms. The moral discussion of abortion centers on the issue of whether or not abortion is an act of murder. At first glance it would seem that the answer should follow directly upon two questions: Is the fetus human? And is it alive? It would be absurd to deny that a fetus is alive or that it is human. We habitually use the terms “human” and “live” to refer to parts of our body and we are clear in our understanding that the nature of these objects does not rank equally with an entire personal existence. It then seems important to consider whether the fetus, this alive human thing, is a person, to whom the term “murder” could sensibly be applied. The answer is ultimately up to the woman to decide, however, the characteristics of life are metabolism, growth, reproduction, and response to stimuli or adaptation to the environment originating from within the organism. I believe the answer to the question: Does a fetus have the three characteristics in which determine life? Pose great meaning.
I'm not gonna argue but I am going to say it pisses me off when women have sex with out contraceptives and get pregnant, then they go get an abortion like its the thing to do. I know a girl like this and it annoys the fuck out of me. If the girl gets pregnant by having consensual unprotected sex then why should she have an abortion? Unless the baby has a defect inside of the womb then they should take responsibility and have the kid. oh shit i started going off on a tangent.........its just something that bothers me.
Shinji, that wasn't an essay, that was barely two horribly-structured paragraphs. I'll skip past the fact I've never referred to my finger or my stomach as "alive" or "human" and go right up to your somewhat sensible arguments.

A fetus is a person from the moment of conception. It has 26 pairs of chromosomes, human DNA. If you implant a kidney into a woman's uterus, I don't know would happen, but the result would not be pregnancy. There is no 'magic moment' in pregnancy whereupon a piece of tissue becomes a human being. A person is a person is a person. The fact that referring to it as 'not a person' makes it easier to kill doesn't change the fact that it is.

I also think you're referring to the three characteristics of sentience, which are self-awareness, intelligence, and consciousness. However, we don't need to meet these requirements. We only need to prove that it is a separate organism - which it is. True, it needs a lot of help, but that doesn't not make it life. By the way - if it's human, it's alive.

This isn't an essay either, but it's 3 AM and I'm going to bed.
That's not an essay. Plus it is too much for a video game forum, nor do I see any good coming from letting it continue. Take it to PMs or Javachat.
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