Comic Books/Graphic Novels

The only mutant that got depowered that I'm still sad about is Jubilee. I miss her - she's being wasted in the New Warriors comic.
Agreed Archangel, though I'm glad she didn't otherwise spiral into super depression (interesting as that might have been). And thanks for correcting me with the whole retcon thing... I guess the rebel in me was just glad to see something different. I mean, as bad as the art was for X-Statix, for example, the whole premise was so out there and it was pretty funny too :D

Haha, it's good to actually talk to people who know well enough about comics from over the years. I remember in my freshmen year in high school (7 years ago) I was trying to talk to a guy who said he knew too much X-Men to talk comics to me... He didn't know Onslaught happened and when I asked what colors Wolverine wore on X-Men #1 he said yellow 'n blue :/
I've been reading a lot of back TBPs and the like, but you've still got me beat by far - I only started reading comics in general about five years ago or so (I think I started with Fray, which is still badass). I've only been seriously collecting them for a few years - started right around the beginning of Whedon's Astonishing X-Men arc.

Did you read the new Onslaught comic? Hideously bad. What a joke...
Wait what new Onslaught comic? Are we talking about Onslaught Reborn?

I still do TPBs for comics these days, but I was lucky that I had cousins who followed comics since I started reading more or less. They were strictly Marvel though (and X-Men specifically -- Syrpiektre is an fantasy-style anagram of Pyrestrike, which was my made-up mutant codename growing up :D), so it wasn't till I was older that I managed to expand my tastes, for the better.

I've only read the first book of Sandman. As intrigued as I am about the whole thing I wonder how the story carries over so volumes...
I can't remember what the new Onslaught was called specifically, I'm trying to block it entirely from my memory.

Sporko: Onslaught stuff got a little weird at the end with Franklin Richards basically performing a deus ex machina, but before that it was epic - asking the question of 'what would happen if Charles Xavier got pushed past his breaking point and became evil?' Blockbuster X-Men (and Marvel) storyline.
oh man i finally decided to finish reading watchmen. All i gotta say after reading that ending is that the average movie goer is not going to like that ending.

And i'm def going to read it again next chance i get. Its too much information to process in just one run.
Haha, I know. I kinda feel like an idiot for lending to my cousin right afterward, when he spends months on a book at a time ^_^;; Then again I don't want to be an ass about it considering how much I've gotten from him, but I will definitely pore through it once I get it back.

I agree that the movie will definitely be interesting if they warp the ending. They said they were going to keep the whole frame story of the marooned sailor in there as well, though I don't see how. It's just way too complex for a modern-day film, where most people check out after an hour and a half unless the movie starts with "Star" or "Lord" :/
They might not like it, but they really can't change it. I mean they *can*, but it would be a terrible decision. The entire story doesn't *work* without that ending.
The Black Freighter will be filmed, but only included on the DVD release. I don't know how Zach Snyder was able to do that, but he was. I think Gerard Butler is supposed to play the captain.
here are a few minor tweaks that i found on wikipedia. Ozymandias will have a slight German accent and his parents are going to be nazi sympathizers.

and i dunno if its just me, but i REALLY hate the costumes. Every time i see a screen-shot of the movie the first thing that comes to mind is 1997's "Batman and Robin." Especially the comedian's mask.

I think Paramount is pumping money into this expectin the next "Dark Knight" but I dont think its gonna happen. Personally I think is going to be more like 1984's "Dune." The book Dune was arguably as layered as Watchmen, and it totally didn't translate to the silver screen well at all. I really have a hard time believing it flopped all because of David Lynch.
Snyder's trying to make the film equivalent of Watchmen, which means he's trying to emulate how the art of Watchmen poked fun at its contemporary super-hero comic book hero costumes. So, Snyder does the same thing.

But you're right, it might not work for an audience at large.
Yeah people are going to be like WTF did i just watch when they see this movie if they haven't read the comic.
Haha, no doubt. I'm glad they decided to include Black Freighter on DVD as opposed to theatre version; it would definitely confuse and bug out 90% of anyone who goes thinking it'll be a superhero movie.

Then again, like you guys already said, it'll be hard for a lot of people to recognize the satire :/
The Sword, Ms. Marvel, Fantastic Four(DOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!), Astonishing X-Men, Thor, Green Lantern Corps, Green Lantern. Good stuff Maynard. OH and Captain America
I'm a huge comic book reader. I have been collecting/reading for longer than most of the people on the boards have been alive, lol. I was really surprised by what a lot of people are reading. Anyway, I didn't see too many people mention works by Ennis (his Marvel stuff isn't so hot). His Avatar stuff is pretty good (Black Summer was the shit--a little predictable--but the shit nonetheless!). Andy Diggle is also top tier. The Losers will make anyone a fan.
I love reading EC horror comics (Vault of Horror, Tales from the Crypt, etc.)
along with Uncanny X-Men. I do have some various X-titles and I'm waiting for Spiral to reappear in the X-books soon. Omega Red appeared in Uncanny X-Men months ago so I'm happy.
Marvel is going to be crap until Secret Invasion is over, so the only thing I'm reading from them right now is Deadpool's new series. As for DC, I'm reading Terror Titans and am planning on getting caught up with Final Crisis.