Air Mc Nair Dead

Do I need to say it again or do I need to quote myself for truth?

But in all seriousness, this is sad to hear that another young life has been taken away at only 36.
I thought there was no way that another celebrity could be dead when I saw this thread, so I check ESPN to confirm and he is. Ain't good to be a celebrity in '09.
No disrespect intended but it really gives a whole new meanging to the phrase "Dead Air".

This guy also has to have been somebody because I don't even watch football and I'd heard of him.

That said, who wants to place a bet on this being a murder-suicide?
I'm tempted to make a "Who's next?" thread at this point. Like seriously nobody could see a few of these coming, next one to drop is gonna be Gary Coleman or some shit. Someone totally fucking random.

If I make that thread, odds are strong I'll get run over by a bus tomorrow. I'll sleep on it.
Suddenly I don't want to be famous anymore.

We are obvousily dealing with celebrity assassinating ninjas. That or heart attacks/old age

I still say it's the ninjas. Damn ninjas.
So that's six dead in just over a month? How long will this continue?

And for the record, my money's on Michael J. Fox, though I'll be deeply saddened if I'm right.
Yeah, it's horrible. Now the question is WTF happened. He's with his GF, but he's married, he got shot a bunch of times... she got shot once. It's gonna be a mess.
Murder-suicide all the way. I bet he tried to break it off with this girl and she just went apeshit. Damn, I remember when he got drafted and what a beast he was. One of the better role-models in the NFL too, I think. Shame.