Rock Punishment List


[10] Knight
BT2K- Crouch Throw, FC3K

The Apprentice
AAB- FC3K, Throw
3B (regardless of stance shift)- 3B, 6K, K
1B- 3B (very hard), 6K, Throw
6BBK- 6B (tech crouch 2nd hit, VERY dangerous), Duck 2nd hit WSK (will CH if 3rd hit is done and SOMETIMES leads to foot first ground throw), Duck 3rd hit FC3K/Throw
1A- 4B, K, 6A
66AB- JumpA/B/K (jump 2nd hit), Step 2nd (easier to your left side) Throw/4A+B (very dangerous)
1KKK- 6K, Throw
2KB- 6K
3K- 4B (very hard)
33_99B (regardless of followup)- 6K, 4B, 4B, 6A (all will be CH if followup used)
33_99K- 4B

Darth Vader
3B (close)- 4B
1BA- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit, FC3K
66B- K
44B (if they do not do force cancel)- 3B, 6K, Throw, K
4B+K- 6A, 4B
44B+K- K (close)
6BbGA+B- 4B, 6A, 6K (will counterhit unless force cancelled)

6BBB- 6K (tech crouch 3rd hit), Duck 3rd hit FC3K
1A- FC3K (hard), Crouch Throw
3BA- 6K (tech crouch 2rnd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
1B (close)- FC3K
2K- Crouch Throw (very hard)
1KK- K
9K- 4B
6A+B- 6K, Throw (close)
2A+BK- 6K, Throw
2B+K- FC3K, 4A+B (hard), 6K, Throw
4B+K (close)- K
22_88AA- Duck 2nd hit FC3K
11_77B (close)- K
33_99B- FC3K
22_88KA- 6K (tech crouch 2rnd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K

2A+B- Crouch Throw
1A- Crouch Throw, WSK
1K- Crouch Throw
11K- Crouch Throw
66B- K, 2K
A+B- K, 2K, 6K
9B+K- 6A, 4B
FCA+B- 3B, 4A+B
2K- Crouch Throw (VERY Hard)
214A+K- FC3K
6A+BB- K, 6K, 2K (JF Version is safe)
6BB- 6K
22K- (88K is safe)
3AB- 6K, Throw
WSBB- Crouch Throw

1A- Crouch Throw
1AA- 3B, 6K, Throw
44B- 4B (must be close)
236B- 6K, Throw, 3B
236AA- 2K, 4B, 2A (close)
236236AA- Crouch Throw
2K- Crouch Throw (Very Hard)
2B- Crouch Throw (hard)
2BB- 6B+K, 3B, 4A+B, 66B, 6B, Throw
33_99B- 4B, 6A, K
11_77AA (If you block the first and they do second hit)- 6AA, 4B

WSKKK- Crouch Throw, Step left after 4th hit (2nd input) and either Air hit 9B (only works if they do 3rd input) or 4A+B
Crawl B/A+K- Crouch Throw
1AK- 3B, 4A+B
1[K]- Crouch Throw, FC3K
44[K]- Crouch Throw
22_88AA- Duck last hit FC3K, 6K (tech crouches second hit, but can be blocked if only one A is done)
3B- K
66K- 6A_2K
44K- 6A_2K
11B- 6A_2K
2B- crouch throw (hard)
2BK- 3B, 4A+B, 66B, 6B+K
4B+KG- head first ground throw
33_99A+B- K (most consistent), 4B, 2K
1B+K (unblockable)- Head First ground throw (any time prior to attack)

4BB:A- Duck Last Hit FC3K (Will stun for guaranteed followup), 6K (Tech crouches last hit), WSB
8A+KK/22_88KK- Crouch Throw
2K- Crouch Throw (Very Hard)
1A- Crouch Throw, 2K
236BA- 2K, 4B, 6A
236B- Throw, 6K, 3K
236- K, 2K, 6A (close), 4B (close)
44B+K- Crouch Throw (Only if close)
1K- 4B, 6A
3B- K
22_88AA- Duck last hit FC3K, 6K (tech crouches second hit, but can be blocked if only one A is done)
BK- 6K (Tech Crouches last hit)
2B- Crouch Throw (Hard)
11_77B- K, 2K
B+K- 4B
B+KB- 6K, 3K, Throw
2BB- 6B+K, 3B, 4A+B, 66B, 6B, Throw

33B- 3B, 4A+B
1A- 4B, 6A
kB- FC3K
4KB- 6A, 4B, 2K
2KB- 4A+B, 3B
bA- Throw, 6K
66BB- FC3K
A+K- 4B, 6A, 2K
11_77A- Crouch Throw
44AA- 6K (tech crouches second hit, but cannot punish 1st hit alone), duck second hit and FC3K
4B+K Stance B- 6K
4B+K Stance A- Duck Second Hit FC3K, WSA, WSK
6B+K Stance 6BB- 3B, 4A+B
6B+K Stance (B)KB- Duck first hit and: WSK (hits regardless of whether they do B finish), WSA, FC3K (Must delay input if B finish used; If input is delayed, will not punish K alone)

66B+K- 6K, 3K
2A+B- Crouch Throw, FC3K
Crybaby- Ground Throw
3A- Crouch Throw (Will duck K finish but whiff), FC3K (Will Duck K finish and hit)
1A- Crouch Throw
22_88B- K, 6K, 3K, Throw (only on close hit)
1BB- 6K, K, Throw, 6A
33_99B- 6A, K
A+B- 6K, 3K, Throw
1kAAB- Crouch Throw
1KAAK- 4B, 6A, 2K
66A+B- 3B

1A- FC3K
6BBB- K, 2K, 4B
2A+B- Crouch Throw
2B+K- Crouch Throw
2K- Crouch Throw (VERY hard)
4B+K- K, 4B, 6A, 2K
1B- 2K, 4B, 6A
236BB- K
A+KA- Crouch Throw
4A- 6K, Throw
44B- 6K, 2K, K
JumpB- 4B
8A+B- 4B

B2A- 6K, Throw
FC Throw- Crouch Throw
BBB (must be close) 4B, K
1AA- 4B, 6A
3KK- Crouch Throw, FC3K
3KKB- 4B, 2K, K, 6A
66A (Close)- K, 2K
6K- 4B
2A- Crouch Throw, FC3K (Hard)
44K- Feet First Ground Throw
3B (Regardless if they stance shift) 4B, 6A
66B - Crouch Throw (misses at tip range)
3A- 4B, K, 6A, 2K
A+BA- 4B
4A (stance shift)- 4B, 6A, 6K, 2K
4BBB (stops on any Bs)- 4B
66A+B- 4B
1B (close)- 4B, K, 2K
44KA- 6K (tech crouch), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
22_88KK- 4B, K, 2K, 6A
22_88KAAB- FC3K
22_88A- 6K, 3K
11_77B (close to mid range)- A, 3B, 4A+B, 6B, 66B
11_77B (close to mid range with stance shift)- 4B, 6A, 2K, K
B+K Stance K- 3B, Throw, 4A+B
2_8B+K Stance kB (Regardless of whether they stance shift)- FC3K
2_8B+K Stance KK - 6K (tech crouches)
2_8B+K Stance K- 4B (stops everything after single kick)
4B+K Stance K- 4B
4B+K Stance AA- Throw, 6K, WSK
4B+K Stance B (Regardless if they stance shift)- 4B
6B+K Stance K (Regardless if they stance shift)- FC3K, WSK, Throw
6B+K Stance B- 3B, Throw, 3K, 6K
6B+K Stance A (Regardless if they stance shift)- 3B

6A (close)- K, 4B
BB (close)- K, 4B
22_88B- Crouch Throw (close to mid range), FC3K
44BB- 3B, 4A+B
3B- 4B
3AA- 3B, 4A+B
3A2A6- Crouch Throw
3A2A- FC3K
1A (regardless if they stance shift)- FC3K
2A- Crouch Throw
FC Throw- Crouch Throw, FC3K
4KK- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
6B- 3B, 4A+B
WSAA- 3B, 4A+B
FC3B- 3B, 6K
3A+B- FC3K
22_88AB- 6K, Throw, 6A
33_99B (no stance shift)- 6B+K
B+K Stance A+B- 6K, Throw (close)

6K (close)- 4B
6AB- 6K, Throw, 3K
66AB- (close to mid range before 2nd hit)- 3K, 66B, 6B, 4KA, AA, 1BB, 2A, 3B, 4A+B (Works at far range too)
6B+K- K, 4B, 2K, 6A
4KK- FC3K, Throw, 4K (interrupts 2nd hit), 6A (interupts 2nd hit)
4K- 4B, 6A
A+B (close)- 3B, 4A+B, 66B, 6B, 6K
1KA- Duck 2nd hit and FC3K
2A- Crouch Throw
2K- Crouch Throw (Very hard)
3KA- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit and FC3K
3K[A]-6K tradess hits, Duck 2nd hit and FC3K
4A+B- 3B, Throw
1B- Crouch Throw
22_88B4- 6K (close to mid hit)
agA- 3B, 4A+B, 6B, 66B
bA (not tip range)- 3B, 4A+B, 6B
aB- K
1A- FC3K
1AA-Throw, 3B, 6B, 66B, 4A+B
1B- Throw, 6K
44BA- K
B+K (close)- 4B
A+KB (whiffs on standing)- Back Throw, 4A+B, 6B, 66B
22_88A+BA- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
11_99A- Crouch Throw, 2K
11_99K- Crouch Throw, 2K, 6K, WSK, FC3K
44AA- Duck 2nd hit FC3K
FC3aB- 3B, 4A+B, 6B, 66B (hard)
66B- 4B, K , 6A
66BA- Duck 2nd hit FC3K
22_88B- 4B, K, 6A
22_88BB- Duck 2nd hit FC3K

BBB- 4B, K, 2K 6A
1A- Crouch Throw, FC3K
ABA- Crouch Throw, FC3K
66B- 6K
66A- 4B, K, 6A, 2K
4B- 6K
3AK (as long as 2nd hit is blocked)- Crouch Throw
FC1A+B- 4B, 6A, K
1K- Crouch Throw (VERY hard)
3KK6B+K- Crouch Throw, 3B, 6K, 3A
44K (with or without stance shift)- 6K
Jump KK (regardless if they do third kick)- 6K (tech crouches 2nd hit), Duck 3rd hit and FC3K
BK- 6K (tech crouches 2nd hit)
KK2K- Crouch Throw
FC K/A+K (Regardless if they do K finish)- Crouch Throw
A6B+K- 3B, Crouch Throw, 6K, 3A
4A+BB- 9B (Jumps the 2nd hit)
B+KB+KA- Duck 2nd hit and FC3K
B+KBBB- Step Right 3rd hit Throw/JumpA/4A/33AB

4A- 6K (close), Throw (close), K
33_99B (close)- 4B, 2K
1K- 6A, 2K, 4B
2K- Crouch Throw (Very hard)
6BBB- 3K, 6K, Throw
1BB- 9B after first hit.
66B (close regardless of stance shift)- 6K, 4B, 6A, Throw
33KB (close)- 6K
3Stance K- FC3K
3Stance K:K- FC3K
3BB- slight pause and 6K will tech crouch and CH
B+K Stance A- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
B+K Stance B:B- FC3K (stuns), Throw (side throw)
B+K Stance K- K, 6A, 2K, 4B
22_88ABB- FC3K
22_88AA- Duck 2nd hit, FC3K, 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit)

2A (on hit or block)- ALL RISING MOVES beat by crouch throw
1A- Crouch Throw (hard)
6AAA- Duck 3rd Hit FC3K
66AA- JumpA (easiest on reaction), 6B+K (riskiest)
44AA (after 1st hit)- JumpA/B/K, 6B+K
3BB- 3B, 6K
1B- 4B, K
6A+K- Crouch Throw
6B2 (close) 4B, 6A
22_88AA (regardless if they do 3rd hit)- Crouch Throw
22_88AB (close) K, 4B
11_99A (close) FC3K
22_88B- 4B, K, 6A
11_99B- 4B
22_88KB- 4B, K, 6A
2_85BB- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
A+B- Duck any time FC3K
4A+BBB- Step right before last hit and side throw
2A+B- 6A, 4B
1_3A+B- 6A, 4B
66KKB- 4B, K, 6A
4KB- 4B
B+K- 3B, 6K, K, 4B
B+K41236B- 3B, 6K, K, 4B
B+K41236B236B- 3B, 4A+B, Throw, 66B, 6B+K
236 Stance B (close)- Crouch Throw
236 Stance or Downed A+B (regardless if K follow up)- Sidestep Crouch Throw, Step 3_9B, Step 4A+B
Downed A+K- Crouch Throw

6BBB- K, 2K, 4B
4AA- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit, FC3K (stuns), WSB
3A- 4B, K, 6A, 2K
1A- FC3K
623AB- 3B, 4A+B, 66B, 6B
623ABK- Step second hit to left and: 33_99K, 4A, 11_99, most of Rock's movelist, step left 2 more times back throw
11_99A- 4B, 2K
2K- Crouch Throw (EXTREMELY Hard)
6AAB- Duck 2nd hit FC3K (stuns if done late)/ 4B, 6K, WSK, 4K
66A- 4B
11_99K- 4B, 2K, 6A
11_99B- FC3K
A+B- K
66BA- 6K, 3K
66A+B (not tip range) 3B, Throw, 4A+B
3BB- 4B, 6A, 2K
2A+K- Crouch Throw, FC3K

Seong Mi-Na
6B+K- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit WSB/FC3K/WSA/6B+K
6K- K
FC1KK- 3B, Throw, 6K, 4A+B
AAB- 3B (close), 66B
1BK- 6K
1BA- Crouch Throw (after 1st hit), Jump B/K (tech jump 2nd hit), FC3K (close)
1/3A+B- 6K, Throw
11_99A- FC3K (close)
2K- Crouch Throw (Very Hard)
4KA- 6K, Throw
6KKK- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
3KK- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K
6AK- 33_99AA- 6K
8A+B- 3B, 6K
44AA- Crouch Throw
3B (close)- 6K, Throw
2A+K- FC3K
22_88B- FC3K
B+K- 4B
4A+BAB- 6K (Tech crouch 2nd input, VERY DANGEROUS), Duck 2nd hit FC3K, WSA, WSK, 6K, 4B, 6A, 4K, 4B, 3B *all hits will register counter hit
4A+BABG- *Same as 4A+BAB, except only the following register CH: 6K (Tech crouch 2nd input, VERY DANGEROUS), Duck 2nd hit WSK, 4B, 6A
1K- 4B
3A- 4B, K, 2A, 2K

AA (regardless of followup)- 6K, 4A+B
BB (regardless of followup)- 6K
22_88KK- 6K, Throw, K
3A (no G cancel)- 6K
FC3A(A)(A)- FC3K
6A+B- 4A+B
A+BG- 4A+B
3A+K- Crouch Throw, FC3K
6BBB- Duck 3rd hit FC3K
66A- Duck 2nd hit FC3K
6A (regardless of followup)- 4B
4AB- Duck 2nd hit FC3K
44AB- FC3K will hit everything except A followup where both will whiff
4BB (regardless of followups)- 6K
A+B (hit or block)- 3B, 6K, Throw
236A- FC3K
236B- 6K (regardless of stance shift), 4A+B (works against everything except stance shift B)
236KG- 4B, 6A, K
Jump B- 6A, 4B
WSA+B (regardless of followups)- 6K
1K- Crouch Throw (extremely hard)
2KK- Crouch Throw
2KB (regardless of followups)- 6K
44B (regardless of followups)- FC3K
11_77B (regardless of followups)- 6B+K
33_99B (regardless of followups)- 6K
88A- 4B (close)
22A (regardless of followups)- 3A, 6K

6BB- Step either direction 4A+B, Throw
KKB- 6K, Throw
44B (close)- 6K
44A- 4B
1B- Crouch Throw
1KK (regardless of stance shift)- Duck 2nd hit FC3K/WSA
1K2K- Throw, 6K, WSK
66A- K
9KKK- Step 3rd hit to the left 4A+B/3B/Throw
22_88AB- Throw (close), 6K, Duck 2nd hit FC3K/WSA, 4B after 2nd hit (close)
33_99AK- Throw, 6K, K
22_88B- Throw (close), 6K
11_77K- FC3K
11_77B- FC3K
33_99B- K
33_99- 4A+B, 3B, 66B, 6B, 6B+K
A+B- 3B, 4A+B, iFC3K, 66B, 6B, Throw
A+BB-Duck 2nd hit, WSB/FC3K/4A+B/Throw/3B/6B+K/66K/6K
B+K Stance A- 4B
B+K Stance A+B- 2K
B+K Stance 8K- 6N, 66B, 3B, 4A+B
B+K Stance 2KK- Duck 2nd hit WSA/FC3K/6K/4A+B

AAB- WSK, 6K, Throw
AA6BA (regardless of stance shift)- 6K (tech crouch 4th hit), Duck 4th hit FC3K/WSK/WSA (does not hit forward stance shift)
33_99A- K
4BB- Throw, 6K, K, 6A
11_77KA- Duck 2nd hit WSK/6K/WSA/FC3K/Throw
1K- 4B, 6A (hard)
2K- Crouch Throw (very hard)
6K- 4B, K, 6A
33_99KA- (Jump 2nd hit) Jump B (very hard)
1A- Crouch Throw (no stance shift), WSK/FC3K/6A/4B (counterhits with stance shift)
66A- K (Will not hit if he does back stance shift)
Jump A- 3B, 6K, Throw, 3K
6AA- 6K (tech crouch 2nd hit), Duck 2nd hit FC3K/WSK/Throw
4AA- Crouch Throw, WSK, FC3K
44AA- K, 4B, 6A
44B (regardless of stance shift)- FC3K
11_77B (except on forward stance shift)- FC3K
22_88B- K (except back stance shift), A+B (only for back stance)
3BA- Duck 2nd hit FC3K
33_99B6B- 6K, Throw, WSK
6B+K Stance A+B- FC3K, Throw
6B+K Stance A (regardless of stance shift)- Crouch Throw, FC3K
2_8B+K Stance K- 4B, K/6A (very hard)
2_8B+K Stance BB- 6K, Throw, K
BTB- 3A (regardless of stance shift)
BTK- 3B, 6K
FC3BB- No Stance shift 3B/4A+B/K/66B, Forward Stance shift K (leads to good wakeup), Back Stance Shift 66B, 6B+K

6AB- 6B+K, Jump B (jump 2nd hit)
66A- 3B (off axis hit), 6K, Throw, 3K
66AA- 3B (off axis hit), 6K, Throw, 3K
66B- WSK, 6K, Throw
6B (close)- K
2A- FC3K, Throw
2AB (close)- 3B, 6K, Throw, K
88K- Crouch Throw, FC3K
4KB- 6A, 4B
2K- Crouch Throw (hard)
22_88A- 4B
11_77A- 4B (hard)
2A+B (JS only)- Crouch Throw
JumpA- 4B (hard)
WSB/JumpB- K
A+B- K
44AB (close)- K
44A2A- FC3K
GS 6BK- FC3K, Throw
GS 6bK- FC3K, Throw
GS 6AAA- 6K (tech crouch 3rd hit), Duck 3rd hit FC3K/WSK
GS 44A- K, 6A, 4B
8B+K K- Throw, 6K
8B+K A- Throw, 6K

1A - Crouch Throw
3A - 2K
1B - Crouch Throw, 6K
3B - Throw, 6K
6B - 4B, K
4BK- 6K, Throw
2K - Crouch Throw
4[K] (to LF) - Crouch Throw
FC3B - Crouch Throw
FC A+K - Throw, 6K
FC [A+K] - Crouch Throw, 6K
WS B - K 2K
WS - Crouch Throw, 2K
11BBB - WS K (this will even beat the 11BBBK followup)
11K - Crouch Throw
22A - 6K
BT 1A - Crouch Throw
BT 2B - 6K, Throw
BT 2BK - Feet first ground throw
BT 2K - Crouch Throw
BT 4K - K
BT 4KA - iFC 3K
BT 2A+B[2] (his roll around like a donut) - Crouch throw
BT B+K - 4B
CR B - 4A+B
CR A - K
CR AA - 6K
CR B+K - Crouch Throw
LF stance in general - Crouch Throw
MC stance in general - Crouch Throw

66- Crouch Throw, 6K
66 any followup - 4KA
FC3K- FC3K, Crouch Throw
Any spin move resulting in dizzy- crouch throw, feet first ground throw, B+K
FC1K (any number of Ks)- Crouch Throw (very hard due to you not knowing how many hits inputed)
1A (any number of As)- 4B, 6A, 6K, Throw (Very had due to you not knowing how many hits inputed)
3B+KK- 4B, 6A, 2K
2K- Crouch Throw (very hard)
6K2K- 6B+K, FC3K, 4A+B, WSA
6KK (close)- 6K, 4K
3AB- 3B, 6K, Throw
3B- 6K, Throw
4KB- 4B
4K*Hold B- 6K, Throw, 6A, K, 4B
66A- 4B
9B+K (regardless of followup or not)- K
11_99A- 4B, 6A
11_99B- Crouch Throw
33BB+K- 4B
33BB+KA+B- Crouch Throw, 4A+B, 3B, 66B, 6K
33BB+KA+BK- Crouch Throw, 6K, 3K
8B+K Stance K- FC3K, Throw, 6B
4B+K Stance A- FC3K

AA- 2K
6A- 2K
4A- 2K
66A- 6K
66AA- 6K, JumpB
44A- 6K
BB- 6K
3B- 6K
66B- 6K (Same ish as 3B/3BB)
22B- 6K
A+B/A+BA- 6K
JumpB- 2K
JumpK- 2K
2K- 2K
6K- 2K

BB4- 4B
6BA- Duck 2nd hit FC3K/Throw
6AA- Duck 2nd hit FC3K/Throw
1AA- 4B, Jump B/A (Jump 2nd hit and must be close)
3B- K
3B4- Throw, 6K, K
2K- Crouch Throw (Very Hard)
22_88A- K
3A- 3B, 6K, Throw
3AB- 4B, K, 6A
22_88B- Crouch Throw, WSK, 6K
44_11_77B- K, 6K
44_11_77B4- K, 3B, 4A+B, 6B, 66B (hard)
33_99B4- 4B
FC3B- 6K, Throw (close)
66A+B- Throw, FC3K
KK- 6A, 4B
11_77K- Crouch Throw, 6K
22_88K- Duck 2nd hit FC3K (hard)/WSK
1BB- 6A, 4B
1BBA- 6K (tech crouch 3rd hit), Duck 3rd Hit FC3K/WSA/WSB/Throw
Oh thank God! This is what I really need right now; I'm sick of suffering because I have no idea how to punish their rush. It's the biggest problem with my Rock (and Mina), and I just don't have the time to do the experimental heavy lifting right now.
U can punish sophie's 236B with 3B. Step left vs second hit of lizard WS KKK. You can crouch throw him from crawl even if he hits wth the low once u are in range.
U can punish sophie's 236B with 3B. Step left vs second hit of lizard WS KKK. You can crouch throw him from crawl even if he hits wth the low once u are in range.

He can evade the crouch throw off the Crawl moves I did not list by following up with Crawl B because it tech jumps.

OK vs Lizard
66K = 6A_2K
44K = 6A_2K
11B = 6A_2K
2B = crouch throw

I prefer 6A cuz they are forced to block the entire 6AA

CR B = WS B as well if they don't do the autoGI
CR A = FC 3K stops everything but another CR A, Crouch throw stops a second CR A
CR K - FC 3K stops everything but CR A, Crouch throw stops CR A
CR B+K - 3B interrupts ALL but CR A, Crouch throw stops CR A

crouch throw interrupts ALL but CR B. 4B stops CR B, and leads to good wakeup. Throw cannot be interrupted they have to guess what's coming. They can't sideroll, cuz face first is guaranteed, and if they duck u crouch throw.

Blocked 4B+KG = face first ground throw LOL
The UB he has = Crouch throw interrupts it period
Thank you for making this list!

Some additions...

Lizardman's 22_88AA can be punished by WR B. (Block first hit, crouch, WR B.)
33A+B can be punished by 6K.

Cassandra's 44BB:A can be punished by WR B.

I'm too tired to check the rest for now...
Plume, I'm going to have to test that later this week. FC3K punish is already great, but if WSB with its glitchy hitbox actually consistently lands, then WOW! I'm SOOOO busy this week, and might not be able to update this list till Friday or even the weekend. I gotta update Cass and I'm trying to finish the popular characters first. Probably will go to Yoshi. I'm REALLY trying to avoid Ivy because it is going to take A LONG time for a movelist like her's. I WILL DO ALGOL!
Yep, it seemed very consistent to me. ;)
So if your tests turn out to show that it's not fully consistent, then at least it should still remain decently consistent...

Besides, as far as I know, WR B doesn't have much problems since the 1.03 patch, as long as you don't do it from the ground... But I only restarted playing Rock very recently, so I might remember wrong.
WSB doesn't work on 22_88AA. It does work on 4BB:A.

Did some minor tweaks here and there. Working on Ralph and Algol.
...Ah, crap.

WR B is only consistent with CAS characters. (Both male and female.)

Another difference is the crouch throw's range. CAS (male and female) characters can't reach Cassandra after 8A+K,K.

So one has better tracking, and the other has better throw range...
It's up to you if you want to make use of these details or if you want to ignore CAS characters...
As promised.... pleased put this to the top.
T = Throw, CT = Crouch Throw, GT = Ground Throw

1A - CT
3A - 2K
1B - CT, 6K
3B - T, 6K
6B - 4B, K
2K - CT
4[K] (to LF) - CT
FC A+K - T 6K
FC [A+K] - CT 6K
WS B - K 2K
WS - CT 2K
11BBB - WS K (this will even beat the 11BBBK followup)
11K - CT
22A - 6K
BT 1A - CT
BT 2B - 6K T
BT 2K - CT
BT 4K - K
BT 4KA - iFC 3K
BT 2A+B[2] (his roll around like a donut) - CT
BT B+K - 4B
CR B - 4A+B
CR A - K
CR AA - 6K

LF stance in general - CT
MC stance in general - CT
