Maxi General Discussion


[08] Mercenary
Maxi is now the worst character in this game and it just pisses me off.........

Anyways, wanted to see how you guys felt about it..... :/
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

Eh, it's disappointing that I won't be able to rep with him in tournies but I can still keep it close with my friends.

I still think he's fun to play at least.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

Strategy discussion? Alright, fine.

Anybody use the WR A+B, K, 2K, K combo (the first K has to be a Counter Hit BTW)
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

nope. There are much better followups to CH LI K
4BBK, 2B+K B
->ring out
B+K :B :B :B :A, BT B+K

lately I've been doing A+Bg->RC after 4BBK followup for mid/low oki, but I need to test more as its viability is not yet proven.

as for him sucking, well, my friend plays an okay Mitsu, and Maxi holds pretty well against him. Dunno if it's a very good Mitsu or sisters. My biggest complaint about Maxi is that he needs alot of hit checking, which is tiring after awhile, otherwise he's very fun to play.

sorry, haven't posted in a long while before this. you've obviously been observing the tier discussion, yeah Maxi got pretty low there, really, I have no basis to argue with if he is any higher than that.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon, Maxi can still fucking win matches. Jesus, you guys (Maxi players of SC4) are some of the most depressing groups to listen to. I swear.

2 ways you can play Maxi...
1. Turtle, sniff out your NCs and NCCs, mix up stances after said NCs & NCCs ON HIT, improvise the rest based off the oppenent and their character.
2. Grow a pair of danger balls and stance shift so damn much you'll make your oppenent sweat maaaaad drops.

Both are hard to play, but no.2 is some what of a lost cause UNLESS your oppenent has problems dealing with Maxi in the first place. no.1 can be played with other characters MUCH more effectively, but Maxi can pull this off. You're just gonna have to take risks and find what your oppenent favors after certain strings. Maxi is gonna have to stay about Mid/close range, setting up basic offense off of 3K, 33K, A, 4B>LO, 3B>RO and 6A>RO to make this play work. as long as you can score NCs/NCCs and make you oppenent think about the ones that leave you in stance. The PSL system is there for a fucking reason, use that shit.

Maxi is all about risks, no you weren't given the tools to properly handle every situation thrown at you with this character. So if your looking to win. Your gonna have to choose your spots, hit check, and learn your goddamn match ups.

This is just another reason why I was so thrilled to learn Yoshi in SC4, not because I kinda had a feeling he'd be worth the effort and practice. But cause at least the Yoshi players, DO WORK! I'll still rep Maxi whereever I may roam, but Yoshi's coming too.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

Thats right :) Change yoshi to bottom tier we will still find a way to make him top :) not make threads about whaa my characters garbage ;)

Funny I whip up on people with Maxi all the time... Hes actually really freakin good if you just put the effort into learning him correctly...

He isnt like the previous soul caliburs... and he does have an answer for almost every situation Rek..

His combo damage is NICE, RO is strong, BT moves are reallly good... throws are at normal damage with good range... auto GI's work if time correctly, his moves tech lows and highs in the middle of loops and he can side step in the middle of any loop, His lows suck but oh well you should only use them as pokes/ combo enders anyway...

Maxi is still good... It just isnt as easy to win/learn him as it used to be... Thats why everyones crying ;) Yoshi, Maxi, and Sophi are my mains.... and They are all my mains for a reason... Because they can beat anyone in the game...
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

I beat 9 out ten people I fight aganist online with maxi. He doesn't compare to any past iterations of himself but there not gonna change him till SC5 so I had to stay offline and make his lame ass capable. Yoshi, cassandra, Sophi, are my kryptonite tho. If I use EVERY move he has to stay fresh I usually win. FYI, I play like a pitbull.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

9 out of 10 ONLINE isn't saying a whole lot. I stomped people that were 90+ percent wins in ranked that knew nothing about the game. I'm not saying you suck, but get some offline cred for confidence in your skill. I'm still looking for offline, so just play online. It sucks, I know.

Yes Maxi can be pretty relentless in his attacks, but I still have a hard time believing he is a decent char. It looks like they made him a bit less masher friendly this time around.
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

After SB3 I'm done with SC4 Maxi at the competitive level. I'll wait for SF4, Blaze Blue, and Tekken 6.

Here' to SC5 Maxi sucking even more (if they even make one)....That's right folks you've heard it here first. -_-
general discussion

A place to ask general questions without having to create a new thread

what are some good options after 1a on hit?
Maxi = Brawl's Captain Falcon

4BK works off LI K as far as I know. (Long as they don't duck it at least.)