Katsuhiro Harada Confirms Soulcalibur V Discussion!

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Well for the past week, this website and several others have been ablaze, discussing the possibility of another installment in the Soulcalibur franchise. While Soulcalibur IV was hugely successful outside of Japan, the game was obviously designed to be the last in the series; especially since the word around the rumor mill is that Project Soul, the group responsible for SC3 and SC4 had been disbanded. Last week, Katsuhiro Harada, the producer of the Tekken franchise for Namco dropped the bomb that he would only look into another Soulcalibur game if it appeared to him that there was enough interest.

While some may have thought Harada was simply trying to boost his twitter following; this community banded together, with the help of other fighting game communities to show Harada that the interest still exists. In less than a week, 3,000 people signed the Facebook petition to prove to him that we still want another Soulcalibur game! The petition is still open and people should still continue to spread the word about it so that we can show Namco more than just 3,000 people want SC5! But for today, Harada confirms in an official response in the Facebook petition with what we've all been waiting for!

Yes I'll share this petition with my Staff, Directors, and SC Senior Producer / Leader Mr.Yotoriyama. I promise. ... Our team will be interested in your opinions that much if there are a lot of followers. ... Of course, it becomes the power of the number of these petition. ... I love fighting games. Thanks.

Harada then goes on to mention that he would be willing to accept opinions and requests on his twitter (as long as you are a follower); but to keep the messages short and to the point as English is not his native language. While this is great, I am asking the community here to NOT post opinions and requests on his twitter. Yes, you should follow him, but instead of posting requests and opinions, just simply ask that he coordinate with the representatives here at 8WayRun.Com while developing the game. It would be much easier for a few representatives here to be heard, than a mass of people who may not know exactly what they want.

While this does not guarantee Soulcalibur V, at least we know Namco hears us and knows we exist!

UPDATE: Harada just tweeted the following:
Yeah i found Soooooul Calibur !! I did co-director. My development team will be create new one .....?
Jason Axelrod

Jason Axelrod

Owner and Operator of 8WAYRUN
Actually for the sc5 plot one of the intersthings i found in the sc bd plot was that Nightmare was good so i think what would be a goood plot twist(without fucking up one of my favorite characters)would be for Siegfried to be evil and have a revamped evil version of soul calibur and have nightmare be good and a sc version of soul edge since Siegfried`s sword soulcalibur has Soul edge`s spirit in it along with a epic Intro and Nice gameplay .
...who gives a flying fuck about "voiced portraits" and the "intricate details of the storyline" of a FUCKING FIGHTING GAME?

I want a New SC5, with GREAT FIGHTING GAMEPLAY. and BALANCE. That's all.
agreed BC. when SC is put into the xbox its for fighting not the storyline. hell they could make SC 5 without a single player mode and id still buy it. as long as the balance and gameplay are there i'm good to go.
Mavericks42O;221465 said:
agreed BC. when SC is put into the xbox its for fighting not the storyline. hell they could make SC 5 without a single player mode and id still buy it. as long as the balance and gameplay are there i'm good to go.

Another Chronicles of the sword wouldn't be so bad.
A new SC game needs solid netcode and a solid practice mode to become viable for tourney play again. Its no secret the netcode in SC4 was terrible and in this day and age there is no excuse not to have a robust practice mode that allows you to take the game as far as you personally want.
BelovedChild;221458 said:
...who gives a flying fuck about "voiced portraits" and the "intricate details of the storyline" of a FUCKING FIGHTING GAME?

I want a New SC5, with GREAT FIGHTING GAMEPLAY. and BALANCE. That's all.

Bitch I care about the story lines, they can be pretty fun.

I just want a new SC5 game in october of 2011. Gives me more time to.
The story of SC is the thing that got me into fighting games... For me story>fighting...
There are three categories of SC fans. The ones who care only about the fighting, the ones that care only about the story and the ones that love both. I mostly, if not only, care about the SC story. There's no need to fight about that. All in all, all categories want the same thing: SCV. We should stay together, not to fight about the story or the fighting...
11th_dimension;223310 said:
The story of SC is the thing that got me into fighting games... For me story>fighting...
There are three categories of SC fans. The ones who care only about the fighting, the ones that care only about the story and the ones that love both. I mostly, if not only, care about the SC story. There's no need to fight about that. All in all, all categories want the same thing: SCV. We should stay together, not to fight about the story or the fighting...

I care for the story in SC-games too. Was once really impoertant for me(SCDC/SCII).
Once Soulcalibur hit SC3, the story no longer made any sense... In previous games, what made the story interesting were the endings. In the usual fighting game scenario, one of the character's endings become true, and you have to ignore all the others. In the early Soulcalibur titles, ALL of the character's endings became true; you just had to figure out in which ORDER. It made for a much more fluid story, and I too have always cared about it. Its only now I no longer care about the Soulcalibur story since it's been poisoned.
I'm mad that story mode did not have a real story. I appreciate story in a fighting game as long as it makes sense and isn't dumb. As long as there's a significant improvement to the story mode in SC4, I would be happy.

Tweet from Harada:

"Joke!? me and my staff still discussion my company officers. I DID'T JOKE for new SC. RT @firstaidspray: you shouldnt joke around like that!"

According to him it's not a joke, whether you believe that or not let's not give up. Hating on him and Namco gives us nothing. Supporting them(by supporting the petition) could bring us a new game. It could also be a waste of time but what's the harm. I'm happy to sacrifice a little bit of time spreading the word if it even means the game has the smallest chance of seeing a sequel.
I want some characters to return for SC V. I would like to see Arthur, Hwang, and Li Long back. They would be 2 weapons we already have styles for but it would be a different way of using that style. As a person who has used many weapons in real life, every weapon can be used many different ways. Charade would be fun only because while he has little if any story value, "mimics" are always fun to use. I like just getting assigned a random character/weapon each round rather than picking random for the whole match. Also, all stages except for guest character stages would be nice. Which reminds me, no more guest characters PERIOD. Focus on the series specific characters we have and introduce a few new ones to the series.
Do you remember tha business meeting of Mr. Harada a couple of days ago?
Well, if you look at the pic that shows the business meeting, you can see that on the first arcade there is the logo of SC and under that, there is something that ends with: "...DITON" Unfortunately Mr. Harada's head hides the first letters...
Does that mean something? Is Mr. Harada keeping a secret for us?
I think he's doing that for a reason. But that is the old SC3 arcade edition cabinet. We still have one of those here at the arcade in downtown Seattle.
I agree with lise123, Being able to view the characters and listen to their lines, and having those in-depth character profiles I miss, and going back to the basics of what made SC fun would probably help it a lot. SC2 got a perfect rating, I don't recall any other SC game getting a perfect rating not even SC4 so this means two things. Namco is totally able to make a great SC game for everyone and that they need to look to SE, SC1, and SC2 as a guide for the up coming game if it's made. That's my 2 cents.

I remember that from SC2 i could spend at least an hour reading the characters bio :D
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