Herr-Kriegs Comission Art Collection


[11] Champion
Greetings, my fellow artists, Soul Calibur fans, friends and comrades, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls :D! This is Herr-Krieg writing.

I´m most proud to create this second real thread of mine since I first established my very first thread, Herr-Kriegs CAS-Collection in Create-a-Soul Formulas section ( https://8wayrun.com/threads/herr-kriegs-cas-collection-with-a-massive-update.20817/ ) back in February. Recently I have been planning on expanding my overall activity in the forums By establishing new threads to the other sections of the forums, containing of course stuff related to the sections. This thread will be my step one of this plan and through this plan I hope to meet other new members of the site, learn new tricks and stuff and have most intrigueing discussions with you folks about the franchise we are here for. So without further due, lets get this thread up and running with this update, shall we ;)?

In addition of posting my newest CAS-creations in my CAS-thread, I have also posted some comissioned artworks made By most skillfull artists in Devianart, comissions showing CASs which I feel very passionate about and which I would love to see come alive through artworks and drawings. Since I have posted quite many of them, I decided that it would be reasonable to make a separate thread for them as well as for your convenience for not needing to seacrch for them through my CAS-thread pages.

To make things clear, none of these artworks is done By me. They have been made By artists that I have contacted in Devianart and therefore the credit for making them go to their respective makers.

So, with great pleasure, I would like to introduce you all my comissioned artworks throughout my CAS-thread, wrapped up in this thread. Hope you enjoy viewing them ;).

First, here is my very first comissioned artwork, made and drawn By a devianart artist Frostbite07 (https://www.deviantart.com/frostbite07): One of my most favorite CASs, Hilda Braum, hailing from Berlin, 1942:


The maker of this second artwork is drawn By 7th Heaven ( https://www.deviantart.com/7th--heaven ), containing my currently most favorite ( and loved XD ) CASs I have ever made, the formidable warrior lady hailing from the wild life and hunting grounds of the African savannahs, Aziza:


This third artwork is drawn and done my an artist in DA known as Osmar-Shotgun (https://www.deviantart.com/osmar-shotgun) and it's also about Aziza. However, in this particular artwork, she is rather....much more buffed up, as you may notice XD:


And as for my latest comissioned artwork, this one is done By 7th Heaven once again and also has Aziza in it ( I just can´t help myself, I just love her so much XD ), but in a rather different circumnstances. Despite her strenght and toughness, even she needs to sometimes just relax, chill out, and take it easy. And what a better way to do it than in natures very own bathtub, the hot spring:


And that's the start of this second thread of mine :). I most sincerely hope that you have enjoyed what you have seen, Comments, opinions, ideas and conversations are always welcomed and appreciated. I will post my future comission artworks here as well in the same vein as I post them in my future CAS-thread updates. So stay tuned ;).

And remember,

Let the tale of souls and swords be eternally retold ;).
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Greetings, my fellow artists, Soul Calibur fans, friends and comrades, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls :D! This is Herr-Krieg writing :).

With the introduction of my latest update on my CAS-thread (
https://8wayrun.com/threads/herr-kriegs-cas-collection-with-a-massive-update.20817/ ) I present you the art comission work of Aziza wearing her alternative, bodybuilder attire, training her already primed muscles and strenght at a local gym:


This wonderfull and detailed piece of digital artwork is done By Carlos Morilla, a fine artist known in Devianart as CMorilla. Most naturally credits for doing this beatifull piece of art of her goes to him. You can see and check more of his detailed artworks at this DA-site on the following link: https://www.deviantart.com/cmorilla

I hope you folks like the artwork ;). Comments, opinions, ideas and conversations are always welcomed and appreciated.

And remember,

Let the tale of souls and swords be eternally retold ;).


  • CMorillas Gym Aziza ( Finished version ).jpg
    CMorillas Gym Aziza ( Finished version ).jpg
    867.2 KB · Views: 569
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Greetings, my fellow artists, Soul Calibur fans, friends and comrades, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls :D! This is Herr-Krieg writing :).

With the introduction of my latest update: ( https://8wayrun.com/threads/herr-kriegs-cas-collection.20817/page-7 ), I´m proud to introduce you two new art comissions that I showed in the update :).

This first one was inspired by the arrival of the summer with it’s exhaustingly hot temperatures. This applies only more strongly in such already dry continents like Africa, where my African warrior lady Aziza is also feeling the heat. Well, deciding to take advantage of the situation, she took a trip where she could enjoy the arrival of the summer and sun.

Ladies and gentleman, witness Aziza relaxing and posing on a sunny African beach :) :

This gorgeous artwork of my favorite creation at the moment is drawn by the most skilled artist in Devianart know as 7th Heaven. You can check more of his gorgeous artworks at his Devianart-site in the following link: ( https://www.deviantart.com/7th--heaven ) as well as the original site of the artwork itself: ( https://www.deviantart.com/7th--heaven/art/Commi-1244-Aziza-III-798176846 ).

The second artwork is something rather special. As Aziza goes around the African continent ( yeah, this one is also about Aziza, I just love her, deal with it XD ) she sometimes faces fierce predators and wild animals that she has no choice but to fight and deal with. Thanks to her strength, skill and power she has mostly been able to triumph over them without suffering any major injuries, even sometimes taming them and making them know that she is not someone they should be messing with.

My fellow artists, witness how Aziza tames the mighty jaguar and even humiliates it in the process:


Heh, didn’t see this coming, did you XD? That’s right, you are watching my very first two character requested commission work . This detailed and marvelous piece of artwork is done by an most skilled artist known in Devianart as BartonDH. You can check more of his great pieces of art in his DA-site here: ( http://www.devianart.com/bartondh ) and here’s also the link to the artwork in Devianart: ( https://www.deviantart.com/bartondh/art/Commission-Herr-Totenkopf-1-799869643 )

I hope you folks like the artworks ;). Comments, opinions, ideas and conversations are always welcomed and appreciated.

And remember,

Let the tale of souls and swords be eternally retold ;).
Greetings, my fellow artists, Soul Calibur fans, friends and comrades, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls :D! This is Herr-Krieg writing :).

With the introduction of my latest update: ( https://8wayrun.com/threads/herr-kriegs-cas-collection.20817/page-8#post-791639 ), I´m pleased to introduce you two new art comissions that I showed in the update :).

The first one is about Aziza ( big suprise there XD ) showing this one stubborn jaguar that she just is someone you shouldn't mess around with XD.

My friends and comrades, witness how Aziza gives the dreadfull jaguar a lesson it will not forget anytime soon XD:


Yup, you should have seen this coming now shouldn't you XD? This most detailed and marvelous piece of artwork is done and drawn By an artist known in Devianart as Osmar-Shotgun, so credit for making this goes to him. You can view more of his fine and awesome ( not to mention overproportioned XD ) artworks in his DA-page from the following link :https://www.deviantart.com/osmar-shotgun.

This next artwork is a bit special considering the artist who made it. About two months ago I was visiting this anime-con kind of an event called Kummacon ( link to the event: https://kummacon.com/in-english/ ). There I met several skillfull, fellow finnish artists and out of all of them there was one who's style drew my attention. His name is Janné Nikolas, also know By an artist name of Jokeropedia ( link to his Devianart site: https://www.deviantart.com/jokeropedia ) and I decided, as an act to support my countrys local artist community and for getting an artwork for myself, I asked a comission work from him. And this is what he drew for me :). It goes without saying that the credit of making this artwork goes to him.

So here is Aziza showing off her muscles and strength with a very wide grin on her face:


I hope you folks like the artworks ;). Comments, opinions, ideas and conversations are always welcomed and appreciated.

And remember,

Let the tale of souls and swords be eternally retold ;).
MOST WUNDERSCHÖN greetings to my fellow artists, Soul Calibur fans, friends and comrades, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls :D! This is Herr-Krieg writing, all well and alive :D.

With the introduction of my long waited and delayed creation update ( https://8wayrun.com/threads/herr-kriegs-cas-collection.20817/page-9#post-800857 ), I'm proud to present you the latest comission artworks that I introduced in the creation batch.

Considering this first art comission work, while I do appreciate some fanservice art every now and then, sometimes it's good to come back to ground and want some actual Soul Calibur looking art of your OCs.

So here is a portrait comission artwork of none other than my Aziza:


This most fine portrait of her is drawn by an artist in Devianart called HikariNOSora and she is specialized in drawing very cool looking Soul Calibur art. Credits for this artwork goes to her and if you would like to see more of her gorgeous art, here's a link to her DA-site: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora as well as to the site of the original artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora/art/Commission-Aziza-807969158 .

The next artwork shows Aziza on a full out fighting stance, ready to face any threat while also enjoying for getting such action and excersice in a sunny African forest:


The artist responsible for making this most detailed artwork of her is an artist called Baldwinsteiner DanDan in Devianart. Naturally, credits for this artwork goes to him. Here's the link for more of his fine art in DA: https://www.deviantart.com/baldwinsteiner .

As a final art comission work for this creation batch, I want to show you an artwork of another OC of mine OTHER than Aziza. I know, shocking isn't it XD? At the end of the last year and particulary during the time of Halloween, I decided that this OC of mine deserved some love and attention, it being one of my other most favorite creation of mine.

Fellow CAS-artists and friends, here's a portrait work of my vampire warrior Ravianna:


As you might recognize from the style, this artwork is also done by HikariNOSora, so credits for drawing it goes to her. Check the link earlier to her DA-site, as well as the link here for the original work: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora/art/Commission-RAVIANNA-809726412 .

I hope you folks like the artworks ;). Comments, opinions, ideas and conversations are always welcomed and appreciated.

And remember,

Let the tale of souls and swords be eternally retold ;).
Wonderfull greetings to my fellow artists, Soul Calibur fans, friends and comrades, ladies and gentleman, boys and girls :D! This is Herr-Krieg writing again.

With the introduction of my newest creation batch on my CAS-thread ( https://8wayrun.com/threads/herr-kriegs-cas-collection.20817/page-9 ), I'm happy to present you another batch of comissioned artworks which I introduced in the creation batch :).

For this first one, I wanted to see my Aziza ( yeah, it's about Aziza, deal with it XD ) in a bit more of a sport/action sort of a scene. After thinking and discussing about potential ideas for such scene, I came up with an idea that would be a bit sport themed, fitting to her theme as well as a bit exotic too XD.

So here's Aziza swinging herself around in an african jungles using lianas in rope acrobatic manner:


This most magnificent and detailed artwork of her is drawn by an artist in Devianart known as the 7th-Heaven, so credits for drawing this artwork for me goes to him. If you want to check more of his artworks, here's the link to his site in DA: https://www.deviantart.com/7th--heaven as well as to the original site of the artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/7th--heaven/art/Commi-1368-Aziza-IV-812906064

Considering this next one, after witnessing how well the artist who drew the portrait of my vampiress warrior Ravianna ( check my previous creation batch ), I got inspired to ask another artwork of her from the same artist. Wanting to give some more attention to her, I comissioned the artist with a whole blown half body comission work of her.

And here she is, sitting comfortably on a gothic chair, enjoying the moonlight and a glass of most fine blood wine:


The artwork is done by an artist known in DA as HikariNOSora ( credits to her ) and she is one of my most favorite artist when it comes to asking for comission works like this. And with this quality, for a good reason :). For seeing more of her gorgeous SC artworks, here are links to both her DA-site: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora as well as to the original site of the artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora/art/Commission-RAVIANNA-2-814599991 .

As for the final comission work to be shown for you folks for this creation batch, is a comission work which I comissioned from an artist that I hadn't tried before. As I want to see how my creations and OCs look like with different artists styles, I asked this sort of a pin up artwork as a sort of a test work.

As such, here's a pin up artwork of my Aziza, posing herself on a sunny african beach XD:


The artist responsible for drawing this most neat pin up of her is called mangapym in DA, so naturally credits for the artwork goes to him. For a 25 dollar work, I think it was worth it, but I let you to be the judge of that :). For more of his artwork, like usual, the links for both his DA-site: https://www.deviantart.com/mangapym as well as for the original site of the artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/mangapym/art/Aziza-815617265 .

I hope you folks like the artworks ;). Comments, opinions, ideas and conversations are always welcomed and appreciated.

And remember,

Let the tale of souls and swords be eternally retold ;).
Most enjoyfull greetings, my fellow artists, Soul Calibur fans, friends and comrades :D ! This is Herr-Krieg writing again :).

With the introduction of my newest, very first art comission work batch on my CAS-creation thread ( https://8wayrun.com/threads/herr-kriegs-cas-collection.20817/page-9 ), I'd like to present you folks another batch of comissioned artworks which I posted there :). Hope ya like them and let's get started.

This first comission work dates quite long back to the previous years August. As I back then, and still, eagerly thrive towards expanding my most favorite creations, Azizas, concept and theme further and further, I wanted to expand her concept with a bit more, "adorable" approach as a change to the usual artworks that I had comissioned so far. Having a most skillfull artist already available at that time, I decided to go for it, as it was most affordable too.

My fellow CaS-artists and SC fans, meet my African warrior lady Aziza, chibi edition XD :

comm_azizah_chibi_by_hikarinosora Complete_dddlocj.png

This most adorable and cute version of her is drawn and made By my good friend and an artist known in Devianart as HikariNOSora, so credits for making it for me goes to her. If you wanna check out more of her most skillfull artworks, here's the link to her artsite in DA: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora as well as the link to the original artwork site: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora/art/Commission-Aziza-Chibi-808906627

As this chibi version of Aziza proved to be so successfull and with a very afordable price tag too, I decided to ask for another from the same artist. Of course, for another one of my favorite creations. So here's the chibi version of my female vampire warrior Ravianna, cute and intimidating as ever XD:


Like with the Aziza version, credits for drawing this goes to HikariNOSora and here's the link for the artworks DA-site: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora/art/Commission-RAVIANNA-CHIBI-815415167 .

This third artwork is a bit special considering it's theme. As I keep an eye on some of the artists that I have comissioned before, sometimes some of them have these sorts of temporary offers to draw what they state with a rather affordable, special price. One of such offers that caught my eye was something like this: https://www.deviantart.com/mangapym/art/YCH-Mai-Shiranui-Promo-819475174 as to celebrate the birthday of Mai Shiranui from King of Fighters series on November last year. As I got most intrigued of such an opportunity, I went for it and this is how it turned out.

Ladies and gentleman, I'd like to introduce you Aziza, cosplaying Mai Shiranui from King of Fighters series:


This most neat artwork of her is done By an artist known in DA as mangapym. Credits for making it for me goes to him naturally. If you want to check out more of his most fine artworks, like usually, here's the link to his DA-site: https://www.deviantart.com/mangapym as well as to the site of the original artwork: https://www.deviantart.com/mangapym/art/Not-for-good-boys-Aziza-Shiranui-820378421 .

For the final comissioned artwork to show you folks on this first artcomission batch, is the courtesy of the always most talented artist that drew the chibi versions of Aziza and Ravianna. HikariNOSora (credits of making it therefore goes to her). While such chibis are most affordable to comission from her, I hadn't really asked any proper, half body type of a comission work from her about Aziza before this artwork ( yes, this one's too about Aziza, deal with it XD ). Deciding to fix this most unfortunate fact, this is what she drew for me.

Friends and comrades, bare witness to Aziza showing off her muscles while wearing her alternative bodybuilder attire on an african workout gym ( link to the original artsite in DA: https://www.deviantart.com/hikarinosora/art/COMMISSION-Gym-Aziza-822836890 ):

COMMISSION -  Gym Aziza by HikariNOSora

I most sincerely hope that you folks like the artworks :). Comments, opinions, ideas and conversations are always welcomed and appreciated.

On that note, I wish you all the best of health. Stay safe and healthy.

And remember,

Let the tale of souls and swords be eternally retold ;).