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    The Nominations for Most Badass Move in SCIV

    This is just for fun. Don't take it too seriously. The categories are: - Critical Finish - Throw or Command Throw - Unblockable Move - Regular Move or Counter Hit Move or Auto-parry/Auto GI - Overall Most Baddass Move of SCIV My nominations are: - Critical Finish Ivy - Throw or Command...

    A Question about the two SCIV Guidebooks.

    Before some of you jump in with some comment like "Why do you need a guide? That's for n00bs!" Let me explain that I want it for collector's purposes, not for gameplay tips. I have the SC2 and SC3 guides and apart from opening them up once to see what I'd bought, I've never opened them since...

    A Study of the Stages/Arenas and possible interactions.

    Hi guys. This is a work in progress. Eventually I want this first post to be a list of every stage in SCIV along with their respective attributes, like where ring-outs are possible, where wall destruction is possible and where any cosmetic interaction is possible. I will edit this first post...

    Character popularity. Who are the favourite characters?

    I've played around 800 ranked online matches. While not scientific here from my memory are my most common opponents in order: 1. Kilik 2. Cervantes 3. Sophitia 4. Mitsurugi 5. Sigfried 6. Taki 7. Raphael And rarest opponents: 1. Kamikirimusi (rarest) 2. Scheherazade 3...

    For how long will SCIV's soul burn? 6 months?

    I am one who fondly remembers SC2. I played that game from the moment I received my JP import till SC3 came and the SC2 scene died out. For some reason I can't see SCIV lasting till SCV. Right now you can switch on your PS3 and 360 and find a game with good connection any time of day or...

    There are counter-hits. Are there counter-grabs?

    I'm trying to figure out how I managed to RO with two of Astaroth's throws (HCB A+G and air grab A+G) when they don't seem to normally have RO ability. It's happened on a few occasions. Could it just be a glitch? I have a theory which is they only RO if they connect as a counter ie. during...

    Likelyhood of an SCIV arcade release?

    SC3 eventually got an arcade release. Is there any news of a SCIV arcade release coming?

    AFK Etiquette Online. (Away From Keyboard/Joypad)

    I was playing ranked online when mid-match my cell-phone rang and it was a call I had to take. I didn't quit and decided to let my opponent have the easy win and left my pad while I talked. To my amazement, after smashing me around for a few hits my opponent backed off and stood waiting...

    Why do the Critical FInishes change for Yoda?

    Did Lucasarts ban him from being ultra-pwned or something? Every time I've critical finished Yoda it's been some weak-sauce version that doesn't cut away to black. Is it the same for Vader?

    Helpful Info for making your own Videos.

    Hi Guys. I have created this thread for us to share tips and tricks on making your own Soul Calibur videos. I'll start with some products that you can use to capture your gaming. The Adaptec Gamebridge Advantages - Cheap. If...