Recent content by kingbastek

  1. K

    Anyone up for playing online?

    Add me: kingbastek86
  2. K

    Voldo Combos

    Voldo Combos Holy crap that is freakin beastly! My cousin's jaw is gonna drop if I use this combo on him lol. I used to not be able to pull this off in practice mode consistently because the A+K during CR always came out as just A. To fix this problem, I set L2 as A+K and now I can do the...
  3. K

    1.04 Wishlist

    Haha a lot of people want the good ol' Raph back! Myself included. Yeah this game kinda screwed him over. Oh well, he's still one of my favorite characters along with Voldo and Lizardman, I just wish Namco would give him some more ring out potential. I'll give him one thing though, he's a beast...
  4. K

    1.04 Wishlist

    Lol at the person hating on Raph. He has ONE decent combo which only does about 65 damage and thats the CH 4B, A, 3B, BBB:B. And the first stun is even shakable! I dont know how consistently human players can shake out of it, but the computer shakes out of it 100% of the time on edge master...
  5. K

    Raphael General Discussion

    Raphael's kicks? Lol yeah I guess we're all a little used to having to work harder for our wins with Raph. This one little, tiny change would make him magnitudes better with ring out potetial imo.
  6. K

    Voldo Combos

    Voldo Combos Is the combo CH BS B+K, 2A+B CR, A+K, WR B, BS 1 K, BS 2B+K, K a guaranteed combo? Because it looks like the opponent can shake out of it before the WR B hits. Or does the 2A+B cause an unshakable stun??
  7. K

    Raphael General Discussion

    Raphael's kicks? If I could have ONE Soul Calibur wish for the next patch (if there is one), it would be to make Raph's 66K a mid-hitting attack. That way, he can put the fear of god in anyone close to the edge by mixing it up between his forward ring out throw and his 66K, if they decide to...
  8. K

    SC3 Raph vs SC4 Raph

    Oh...My...God!!! I never played Raphael in Soul Calibur 3, but I just went back and looked at his movelist on that game and I dont even know if I wanna play him anymore because of how much they ruined him compared to that game. Why the hell did they take away so many options?! I would have loved...
  9. K

    LM to his fullest

    I use Lizardman's 6B move all the time. I love it! I consider myself to be pretty good with him, but I play offline against my cousin so its a lot more intense. I played online for a while (just to get to level 20 and get the honor for it), but I didnt really like it at all compared to offline...
  10. K

    Hey whats up? I was reading on a thread that you were helping someone improve their Voldo...

    Hey whats up? I was reading on a thread that you were helping someone improve their Voldo skills. Do you think you could teach me some tricks with him? I have a PS3. Let me know if thats cool with you.
  11. K

    CAS tuxedo?

    Oh I see. Is there anyone that you know of on these forums that is nice enough to let me download it? In exchange, I can let them download all the other PS store downloads from my account.
  12. K

    CAS tuxedo?

    Is there ANY way for me to download the create a soul tuxedo that came with the limited edition? I mean is there a download code or something I can use??
  13. K

    Help with A:g:a?

    Thanks for the links microgamer! Wow I didnt know you had only three frames to do it. How consistently do you think an expert Nightmare player can pull this off? Also, is learning the just frame version essential for high level play? (Not that Im thinking of playing in a tournament or anything...
  14. K

    Help with A:g:a?

    I usually do this move by setting the L2 button on my ps3 controller as A+G and just doing the two inputs. Ive barely started dabbling with Nightmare and I have never done the just frame version of this move. My question is: is it possible to do the just frame version with L2 set as A+G? Or do I...
  15. K

    Talim's Tier Placement Question

    She does have one thing going for her when she jumps back though. If the opponent presses BB and you decide to use her A+B unblockable from wind leap, they wont have enough time to side step and they will take major damage!