Recent content by CHIP_STAXMAN


    Smash You To Pieces: The Throw Thread

    Question Regarding JF Command Throws.... I've wondered this as well. I hope JF throws are harder to break. But I don't know. I think Namco should up the cool factor when it happens though. Maybe more pyrotechnics when they connect.

    Should Button Binding with Hilde be banned?

    KingAce, Can you explain why you feel Hilde wasn't designed for stick? It isn't very clear in your first post.

    Making the switch from Special to Standard Vs.

    When I lose by ring-out my first thoughts are "Where did I go wrong there?" Then when the situation arises again, I see the potential danger, and avoid being ringed out in the future. Every character is capable of winning by ring-out. And every character is capable of avoiding being ringed...

    Making the switch from Special to Standard Vs.

    The cage stage is one of the worst stages for Astaroth. The player was probably choosing it because he thought it looked cool, or liked the concept. The reason it is bad for Asta is because Asta needs space. If you read the Asta discussion pages Asta players favour moves that push the...

    Why do the Critical FInishes change for Yoda?

    The 3rd Star Wars stage I've seen (on videos) is a moving platform travelling diagonally. It does not represent a huge place encompassing the two playable stages.

    The Nominations for Most Badass Move in SCIV

    This is just for fun. Don't take it too seriously. The categories are: - Critical Finish - Throw or Command Throw - Unblockable Move - Regular Move or Counter Hit Move or Auto-parry/Auto GI - Overall Most Baddass Move of SCIV My nominations are: - Critical Finish Ivy - Throw or Command...

    Making the switch from Special to Standard Vs.

    It's going to be like learning the game from scratch. Exactly how steep your learning curve will be will depend on what skills you enhanced. If you buffed your health bar, then you're gonna be surprised by how fast it goes.

    A Question about the two SCIV Guidebooks.

    Thank you for the help guys. I won't be using the guide for game info, just the pretty pictures! :) And not in that way.

    A Study of the Stages/Arenas and possible interactions.

    Are you sure the stages don't belong to people anymore? What about the underground water cavern full of lizardmen with large cutlery. Wouldn't you say that belongs to Lizardman? I thought when you played arcade mode that characters always appear on their respective stages, and that this...

    A Question about the two SCIV Guidebooks.

    Before some of you jump in with some comment like "Why do you need a guide? That's for n00bs!" Let me explain that I want it for collector's purposes, not for gameplay tips. I have the SC2 and SC3 guides and apart from opening them up once to see what I'd bought, I've never opened them since...

    A Study of the Stages/Arenas and possible interactions.

    For many stages, I agree with you, the info I list may be of little use. But there are some stages with little quirks that people don't know about. If no-one else is interested I will compile all this data myself, and it will be just my anal little project for someone who thinks about SCIV maybe...

    A Study of the Stages/Arenas and possible interactions.

    Hi guys. This is a work in progress. Eventually I want this first post to be a list of every stage in SCIV along with their respective attributes, like where ring-outs are possible, where wall destruction is possible and where any cosmetic interaction is possible. I will edit this first post...

    The v1.03 Patch Discussion Thread

    Patch Updates > SC4 Guide? I usually buy guides if I'm really into the game and want a collectable to go with it. For example I bought the SC2 guide and opened it once so I could keep it in mint condition. As for your question, the guide I guess will have less use in time as the game...

    Objective discussion on mechanics

    You're complaining because I replied to one of your points which you asked us to discuss? At least I took the time to read your topic and then take the time to write out a reply. Next time I'll remember not to bother if you are going to dismiss it as unworthy as part of the discussion.


    Sounds like you were a victim of slight lag. Blocking Yun's 2 hit soul crushing move should allow you to hit back before Yun does the move again. BUT you need to be using a move that is faster and have input it in time. Lag can severely hinder you when a fast character is repeatedly mashing a...