The King of the Iron Fist Tournament


[09] Warrior
So I know people play Tekken around here. Post up who you play, tourney success (Or failures, lol) what not. Or complain how much you hate how you can be juggled for days (Okay maybe not).

I'm kind of in a holding pattern until T6:BR sees a console release. I main Asuka but my secondaries include Ling and Jin. I also sometimes play Devil Jin but my movement and execution suck.
at one point and time, my execution and movement were solid.

Its all gone to shit now. I used to play Bryan, Hworang, and Devil Jin primarily in T5.

placed 2nd at some random Gamerush(Blockbuster's gaming side) in T4. Throughout 5 and onward, I've done nothing but fail at it. My tekken life was owned by Nina tech traps, Steve infys, and multi character wall raperaperape.

I do like the game though, and I'll support it whereever.
I'm not an avid Tekken player. I never have been since I always preferred the SC series over it. However, I've been playing a little more of it recently as the scene for it in my area has grown a bit. My main and only character is Lee and I don't even play him properly, el oh el. I'm too lazy to learn his juggles.