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  1. T-Licious

    An old Ivy sketch of mine

    An Ivy sketch I did in '06. Is SC2 Ivy. Nothing I would crow about, although I do think the posing has a bit of potential. Just bored waiting for my 360 to overheat (towel-trickin' it) and got nothing better to do than surf 8WR in the meantime, and scan this in for anyone that might give a...
  2. T-Licious

    Anti-Zasalamel... any tips?

    I haven't beat Z once in online play. It seems like everything he does, stuns me long enough for him to set up his next attack with no possibility of my response. I'm not the type of person to call a character 'cheap'... I am just absolutely befuddled as to how to approach, attack and defend...
  3. T-Licious

    Yoshimitsu Move List Printable (Excel)

    For my own use, I've translated all of Yoshimitsu's movelist into a printable Excel spreadsheet. Here it is in case anyone else would like such a thing. It's pretty nicely sorted if I do say so myself. I started by copy/pasting from a Wiki webpage and then doing a lot of formatting and...
  4. T-Licious

    What turns the Omikuji flag black?

    Omikuji (the wooden stick) is my preferred Yoshi weapon. I gather that it's considered his 'joke' weapon, but to me it is just plain cool. The flag that accompanies this weapon is (by default) white with black Japanese lettering. But I will notice sometimes during gameplay, that it has...