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  1. Spyrl-9


    If you could have any superpower(s), what would you want to be able to do?
  2. Spyrl-9

    Thoughts of Complex Stage Ideas

    What are your thoughts on more interactive, multi-tiered stages? There is a thread that asks what should be added/removed for future installations, but I think the topic of the stages themselves could use a discussion of their own. Another fighting game (Dead or Alive) has been using...
  3. Spyrl-9

    Soul Calibur (Story)

    A while back I started writing a fleshed out story for the first Soul Calibur. Sort of taking their bios and puting them together and filling in the blanks to (hopefully) construct an acceptable story. Anyway, I dug up what I had so far (quite a bit) and started to go over it, making some...
  4. Spyrl-9

    New Character Ideas

    Does anyone else think of ideas for original, new characters? I realize this is pure fantasy, as such thoughts, most likely, would never make it into a future game. But, imagination is fun... Perhaps this has been already discussed. If so, forgive me, I am new to the forum and could not...