Crash X
Crash X
That...doesn’t exactly explain why you chose to return here however. And is it really ignoring my reply if you chose to respond to me directly here anyway?
That...doesn’t exactly explain why you chose to return here however.
Crash X
Crash X
Well, you clearly said you quit playing the game and wanted to move on to other things. And here you are, back again. So if you’re tired of the game, why did you decide to return?
I'll summarize. I stopped playing, I did other things, I was going to transform my @ as a personal account, so logically I was softblock SC stans and leave only my friends follow me just to talk with them and maybe eventually I would make a new @ for my SC memes, but someone announced that I had left the game that I hadn't played in months.
So I came in Dec because I didn't want you guys to start speculating other things and start talking about things that didn't happen. I like to talk about SC, but after that turbulent experience, I don't want anyone following me again, specially from here, use my life to get likes, my personal life is not part of the game, after all I am not a character or someone who working in Project Soul.