I guess only SC3 arcade
Talim JP
Talim JP
They may be playin SCV online, don't know.
Very few may still be hittin SCII online too. Both are pretty dead.
Some of the crew may be hittin Try Tower on Fri nights for SCIIIAE, I haven't been there in a long time so don't know.
Lately they've been playin some SCIIIAE in Kohatsu (Osaka), Sarusabe goes there.
I'm playin Miku DIVA (home & arcade) & T7 (now just prac at home but will hit arcade when ready).
I something you posted in the Japan regional thread about them doing something for Evo Japan. Is that gonna be a tournament, and are they still planning on going through with it?
I know what Evo Japan is. What I'm asking is if the Japanese SC scene is planning a side event for Evo Japan.
Talim JP
Talim JP
Not that I know of, but that's pretty far away. I don't know where it'll be held but EVO JP will have to give permission/space to hold side events (& then they'll/we'll prob let everyone know).