I'd only get despised by players like you who have played offline for a while.
I don't see how you can possibly say you'd get despised for travelling 3-4 hours to play. But you're missing the point here. You don't wanna play offline for whatever reason, that's fine. I can't make you and no-one should expect you to.
What's really frickin' annoying is when people go round posting or saying things like "Oh I would go to this that or the other but blah blah blah". Let me ask you a few things. How many participants would it require for you to show up to a tournament? 20? 30? 50? And would it matter who they were? Would you show up for any large number, it would it need a high proportion of top players too?
What about the majors that did happen? VS FIghting was in Birmingham. Is that 3-4 hours from you too? And how about your own sessions? Do you live 3-4 hours from all the other players you play on PSN?
There are a whole bunch of online players that talk big about how good they are, mocking 'scrubs' and talking proudly about the level they're at, but won't back it up by playing in tournaments. Even when they live round the corner. They don't have to come, but it might be nice to see them showing what they can do rather than just talking about it all the time.
The reason all this is so annoying is because there was NO scene for SCIV. Me and 3 other players had to take it upon ourselves to make a scene. One guy was a Mitsu player called Zaigonen who travelled from North Wales all the way to London just to play us guys, not even for tournaments. We had to make the sessions, we had to make the tournaments.
Now in SCV there simply wouldn't be a scene yet again if Joel, Talon and I hadn't put the effort in to make tournaments, organise them and advertise them. The numbers have been decent, between 12 and 28 players each time. This is mainly thanks to around 20 players who enjoy the game and make the effort ot come to most of our gatherings.
If even 5 or 10 online players would all decide to come together to one or two of these, that'd make the EMS SCV tournaments some of the biggest around. That's what we did before. None of us thought we were great players or expected to win any tournaments. We just wanted to play the game properly, without excuses or lag or all that BS.
SCV isn't a huge game and there are only so many who play it. But when even the dedicated hordes who play online every day and know all their JF's and frame data can't be bothered to show, then the scene dies even though it has no reason to die. The players are there, but they don't come. They just talk.
I understand how I've annoyed you by saying that, but have I really been telling people that they are beneath me? If I have I'm sorry, it can't have been intentional. I don't believe I talk big of myself either; in fact I'm sure that I'm rubbish.
For the proportion thing; I'd like to meet top players, yes, but I wouldn't mind playing with intermediate or beginners as such because I love teaching other people how to get better.
Ok but what I'm saying is, what will it take for you to go to an event? Because you say we only get 10 people, but if you and a couple of online buddies came down it would be more like 16, and if all the other online players had the same mentality we'd be talking about 30 or 40 even for smaller events.
Your 'talking big' hasn't been claiming you're some superstar, it has been claiming that you'd go to tournaments except that the tournaments aren't big enough for you.