Recent content by Tekku

  1. Tekku

    Zwei Video Thread

    Some interesting gameplay here between Zwei and Natsu. Both of em have a 94% win ratio with over 600 fights. The Zwei player really likes to play on the defensive, but it seems to pay off:
  2. Tekku

    Z.W.E.I. General Discussion/Q&A

    Thanks DrDogg! As I said I'm new to this game (and fighting games in general) but I'm gonna give those tactics a try. I really appreciate all the help I can get.
  3. Tekku

    Z.W.E.I. General Discussion/Q&A

    Zwei is definitely my favorite character so far. The whole concept with the wolf and a small sword really appeals to me. However, Zwei can turn out to be really tricky when you're up against certain characters. I have a couple of friends who are playing Mitsurugi really aggressively and for...
  4. Tekku

    Hello from Sweden!

    Thank you Soulofpyrrha. Plupp has always been one of my favorite childhood characters. :)
  5. Tekku

    Thanks for all the Zwei threads and posts sephalump. I love reading them. Great work!

    Thanks for all the Zwei threads and posts sephalump. I love reading them. Great work!
  6. Tekku

    Tjena! Vill du lägga till mig på Skype så heter jag Tekku86. MSN och mail är...

    Tjena! Vill du lägga till mig på Skype så heter jag Tekku86. MSN och mail är: :)
  7. Tekku

    Hello from Sweden!

    Tjena! I'm on the PS3. You can add me if you want. My ID is Tekku. :)
  8. Tekku

    Hello from Sweden!

    Hello everyone, I googled some combos for Zwei the other day and this was the first site to pop up. I've been cruising around the site since then and I really like what I'm seeing. A lot of emphasis on good threads and nice people too. This is my first Soul Calibur since the second game. The...