Recent content by T-Licious

  1. T-Licious

    Serpent's Embrace Tips

    I mean exactly what is shown at 0:39 and thank you for sharing a nice video. I'm don't understand 'counter hit is required' in this case, though. Apologies in advance but I come from VF where a counter hit is a hit that strikes the opponent first while they are attacking. What is a counter...
  2. T-Licious

    Anyone have trouble sticking with a character?

    Having followed 2 fighting games (SC and VF) through numerous iterations, I find that overall: As the fighting systems become more and more advanced, you're consistently corralled into a smaller character selection of fighters that you can truly 'master' in a reasonable amount of time. For...
  3. T-Licious

    Serpent's Embrace Tips

    So, how do I modify SE B+K so that it picks prone people off the ground, please?
  4. T-Licious

    [Southern California] Kings Of the Ant Hill

    T-Licious aka Dizzy is in El Lay. Would be willing to travel some distance (preferably anything served by the Red or Orange Lines) for a party if someone wants to host in the LA or SFV area. With a bit of advance notice I could organize enough to probably bring group of 2-4 or so good fighters...
  5. T-Licious

    An old Ivy sketch of mine

    An Ivy sketch I did in '06. Is SC2 Ivy. Nothing I would crow about, although I do think the posing has a bit of potential. Just bored waiting for my 360 to overheat (towel-trickin' it) and got nothing better to do than surf 8WR in the meantime, and scan this in for anyone that might give a...
  6. T-Licious


    Just dropping in with my opinions. Overall, the art direction is... well, I'm a fan. I thought that character design from an art perspective really peaked in SC2 (I still treasure my SC2 art book), and SC3 was a big letdown for me... I found 'hammerhead' Astaroth and 'virgin-white' Ivy and...
  7. T-Licious


    The only time I use taunts in-game is this: I'm facing an opponent of equal skill. It's 2/2 rounds and both of us are almost dead on health. The next successful attack by either party will win the battle, pretty much. Sometimes, and only sometimes, I will bust out my Taunt in this situation...
  8. T-Licious

    SC4 Secret Moves

    Awesome. Somebody post the shit where Ivy tosses out her Whip from Serpent's Embrace and picks prone people up with it. That's not in the in-game list.
  9. T-Licious


    Noob alert, maybe. OK, so Astaroth has me prone at close range. He does that stomp thing that pops me up into the air and then pulls his air Throw. Tosses me to middle distance, crumpled, and then I pretty much eat whatever he's got in store next. OK yeah I know that I shouldn't let this...
  10. T-Licious

    Sword State Tips

    Sword Stance Tips Thank You! Having practiced these Sword State tips has saved my ass more times than I can count. I still don't rely on Sword as a main stance, but these are absolute essentials to know for any Ivy that a) accidentally gets stuck in Sword and doesn't know what to do with it...
  11. T-Licious

    SCIV Ivy General Discussion & FAQ

    Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here) Clearly we would all be very pleased if you could find some time to reply with some more of your easy SS + WS tactics. I'm sure that a lot of players that are just beginning to learn Ivy, could learn a lot from you.
  12. T-Licious

    SCIV Ivy General Discussion & FAQ

    Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here) Three quarters, not one third, sir. Please don't misrepresent me. My comment stands. Thanks for your opinion of it, though. It must be assumed, of course, that there will be multiple perspectives on the issue, and I am sure that we are all...
  13. T-Licious

    SCIV Ivy General Discussion & FAQ

    Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here) @ZDamned, thanks. Criticism on the point accepted and agreed with. @LargeBillsOnly, I don't think your comment is beneficial for Ivy beginners, to whom my post was directed. Learning the flow between CS/SS/SE, or CS/WS/SE, is already a fairly...
  14. T-Licious

    SCIV Ivy General Discussion & FAQ

    Ivy General Discussion (Post Random Stuff Here) That is not easy. If you're new to SC4 Ivy, my personal recommendation is not to try to learn all the stance changes at first (they're complicated). Focus instead on one stance and master it, then graduate into the others. Especially, for...
  15. T-Licious

    What's the least scrubby?

    Great original post btw, succinct, insightful, thought-provoking. My first answer is that neither deserves the win more. They simply deserve the win. More important is how you then go about training, in order to not lose against that particular player / character / approach again. As far as...