he looks strong training offline is all i will do wen i get it find the interupters and power combos aswel as the interesting evasion techniques he seems 2 have cant wait pray 4 YOSHIMITSU 2 be confirmed
Pat's 1K is advantage on hit, no doubt about it. After a normal hit 1K, Pat's AA stuffs Pyrrha's AA and Pat's 2K trades with Pyrrha's 2A. Most likely +1 on hit if 2K is a frame slower than 2A like they usually are in SCIV.
Whoa, he actually does have some ranged attacks.

Also, that UB: Falcon Punch!
236 is angel step.
Another name for it "Crouch Dash". Mentioned it at 1:34.
NIce Analysis, but you forgot to mention Patroklos has Angel Step, which was first introduced by Sophitia. He has An Angel step that is OBVIOUSLY COMPLETELY HIS OWN. In past videos I've observed that Patroklos has Sophitia's 3A+B, 44B+K, 1A,236K, and A move which resembles to Sophitia's 8K.
Awesome. I might end up maiming this guy...
JAG: You'll be seeing alot more of that intro; it's a content group dedicated to producing USEFUL content for 8wr and the SC community. We are planning on doing these for each character. This was just a first go, so please excuse my terrible text job.
What a better way of analyzing more than what words can describe.
Nice video and cool music choice(SC DC forever!!)but what about that bullrush spam vid. at the beginning?
that goofy looking somersault kick (the entire flip is pointless and can be vulnerable to CH) actually has some use!


Sep 22, 2011 at 12:23 AM
Posted by IdleMind
Some moves worth mentioning. Descriptions by IdleMind. Video by Sp1d3r.
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