Soul Calibur 5 Guest/Bonus/CAS Character Discussion


[09] Warrior
So just wonderin who u guys whould like to be the guest characters in SC5?
I was thinking Dante and Nero from DMC
or Cloud and Sephiroth, Auron from FFX would be cool
or samus and megaman lol
storm shadow and snake eyes
Rayne(bloodrayne) and Riddick
Altair(Assassins's Creed) and Nariko(Heavenly Sword)

Just throwin some stuff out there. i would just like to see something kinda off the wall.
If a Final Fantasy character makes an official appearance in a soul calibur game, I will personally slit my own wrists with a hacksaw.

As well, I highly dout nintendo characters would make an appearance on a game that comes out for every platform BUT nintendo. When's the last time you saw Megaman or Samus Aran on anything other than a Nintendo toy?

That being said, we totally need to see Solid Snake in the game. Short-range knife fights for the win.
We totally need absolutely 0 fucking guest characters in Soulcalibur.

All the guest characters do is bring problems come tourney time and the canon characters are good enough to sell the game on their own.

Namco needs to stop acting like the guests are the reason Soulcalibur sells. Tekken has ridiculous (as in bad) character designs and the game sells well. Soulcalibur has much much better designs than Tekken so I don't see the problem. No more goddamn guests characters.

Wish someone would close and burn this thread but ain't gonna happen.
this is like the 24th thread of this kind

...but b4 close, ill say eddy gordo....
If a Final Fantasy character makes an official appearance in a soul calibur game, I will personally slit my own wrists with a hacksaw.

As well, I highly dout nintendo characters would make an appearance on a game that comes out for every platform BUT nintendo. When's the last time you saw Megaman or Samus Aran on anything other than a Nintendo toy?

That being said, we totally need to see Solid Snake in the game. Short-range knife fights for the win.

Ur right about the nintendo characters but i think itd just be funny.

as for solid snake i totally agree him and raiden(from MGS4 not the gay MGS2 raiden) would be a fine addition.
besides i wonder what snakes critical would be...would he summon MG to crush u or pull out a stinger Missle Launcher and blow u to hell? hell even solidus snake with his crazy tentacles would be fun...or vamp from MGS2. Throwing knives FTW
David Hasselhoff with this orange lifeguard thing as weapon:
And when he rings you out in a water stage he has to save you!


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No one. They cause problems with being console exclusive, and since they aren't around for followup games, they generally aren't worth the effort of learning fully (at least, that's my opinion). If people want to make *insert their favorite character here* then make the character customization system powerful enough to do that.
and since they aren't around for followup games, they generally aren't worth the effort of learning fully (at least, that's my opinion).

Ivy changes drastically in every installment, so there's an extremely good chance that she'll play completely differently in SC5. Is she also not worth the effort of learning fully?

On topic (*sigh*), I'd want Vader back. :P
I want BloodRayne. Because she's hot, a redhead, has a cool uni, wristblades, and great suction. :-O




Ok, I know toons can't be hot nor have suction, but if they can virtually fight then they can virtually be hot too :) I dig the heels, too.
Ivy changes drastically in every installment, so there's an extremely good chance that she'll play completely differently in SC5. Is she also not worth the effort of learning fully?

On topic (*sigh*), I'd want Vader back. :P

Well yeah, Ivy changes a lot... I used to sorta know her to play her. She at least still has a lot of the same moves (or at least comparable ones), its just getting past the changed outputs. Heck all of the characters change between installments of the game, Cass felt very strange after the jump from SC2 to SC4 for me. But if the characters stayed the same between games, that would be boring too.

So that's a bit different than someone like Vader that you know isn't coming back. I probably worded my initial statement poorly. I know I would be very disappointed if my favorites were missing in SC5. Just look at the disappointed Hwang fans (despite SC1 X/Hwang playing very similarly). In your case, you play enough characters that you won't be left out in the cold, but, what about those who bought the game because of the guest characters and don't like the regular cast? They are totally out of luck for any sequels. There would almost certainly be more high level players playing characters like Vader, if their movesets were on a character that will almost certainly be present in SC5.

Anyhows, my point is, if you learn say SC4 Ivy, you'll be able to carry over some/most of that knowledge/skills over to SC5 Ivy, while, with Vader, you're left looking for a new character to play as.
sight, Snake wont be in SC5 for a single reason, he was on SSBB. Blood Rayne either, cuzz no enough people know her. (well not make people knew Spawn back in SC2...) Dante/Nero would be a really good addition has they already have a basic movelist... but they are from Capcom, so chances are they wont be there.
Chuck Norris couldnt be in SC5, because he will be so overpowered that people will try to ban him from tournament, but because nobody can ban Chuck Norris, all the other character will end up banned.
Final Fantasy... I don't know, that might at 10% possible, as now Final Fantasy is not a console exclusive anymore, but I don't think so because Final Fantasy has just begon on their own fighting game (Dissidia... or Dissisia... whatever -,-'')
Maybe they will just, not have any guest character, so far Star Wars characters were my favorite guest characters (A long time AGO! they are not in freakin future, its freakin past!)
Hum... So I guess, heavy opinion finish =D
sight, Snake wont be in SC5 for a single reason, he was on SSBB.

What does that have to do with anything? Snake was in DreamMix TV World Fighters way before he was in Super Smash Bros Brawl. DreamMix TV World Fighters also had Optimus Prime, Megatron (Transformers), Simon Belmont (Castlevania), Tyson Granger (BeyBlade) and Yugo Ogami (Bloody Roar).
sight, Snake wont be in SC5 for a single reason, he was on SSBB. Blood Rayne either, cuzz no enough people know her. (well not make people knew Spawn back in SC2...) Dante/Nero would be a really good addition has they already have a basic movelist... but they are from Capcom, so chances are they wont be there.
Chuck Norris couldnt be in SC5, because he will be so overpowered that people will try to ban him from tournament, but because nobody can ban Chuck Norris, all the other character will end up banned.
Final Fantasy... I don't know, that might at 10% possible, as now Final Fantasy is not a console exclusive anymore, but I don't think so because Final Fantasy has just begon on their own fighting game (Dissidia... or Dissisia... whatever -,-'')
Maybe they will just, not have any guest character, so far Star Wars characters were my favorite guest characters (A long time AGO! they are not in freakin future, its freakin past!)
Hum... So I guess, heavy opinion finish =D

Well looks like were stuck with Jak and Daxter and Rachet and Clank lol.
or maybe voldo's old ass has a son somewhere lmao.
u'd think Cervantes has more kids seein as he used to RAPE and PILLAGE ppl for a living lol.
besides its time for some new weapons...maybe a 3 section staff. Sais would be cool but the range disadvantage would be huge, or some escrima sticks. Maybe butterfly swords?. or the short staffs that break apart into 2 short swords.scythe and chain(talk about crazy range) some kinda melee Bow with arrows of course. fighting fans. maybe a heaven and earth blade....once again just some ideas