Miss__dolores; a scrub on a mission!

@Megadude long story short: play her in a match --> you win --> she accuses you of spamming followed with several insults (more than half of which are homophobic) --> she then threatens to report you --> other than that she'll happily play the "I'mma girl card" and claim that you're bullying her.
Oh and if she deems it necessary she'll post a video if you "spamming".

and yes that's the short version! she's nothing more that a bastardised scrub with whiny potty-mouth
who is dolores? because havent played sc5 for a long time
Guess that's her thing. She's got to be the victim that's always in the right despite her being a total scrub that refuses to learn from her mistakes. Hamster ass bitch is stuck in a loop.
My 5 fights with her she spammed me all 5 fights I didnt spam till the 5th round and she only uploads the 5th round V.V
Rockto Dolores is an unholy child of Silvomar and Marshill, anything you do will get labelled as spam, and will make a video about you and say shit like how you were bullying/harassing her because she's a female..nvm all the shit-talk and homophobic comments she makes tho lol
Right.... That's why she fought me three times back to back while I was consistently spamming. She says a lot but she's also full of shit!
Right.... That's why she fought me three times back to back while I was consistently spamming. She says a lot but she's also full of shit!
i'd love to help with that but as she said in a message to me "I don't fight spammers."
lol I'm glad I grabbed popcorn. We need a Dolores rage compilation.
Zer0 is on a mission to tell me no to eevrything.
-uploads video of Demoness' video of Dolores...doesn't upload mine- get fked Lock :(
Ray Dolores will keep this shit up until she stops breathing...but as long as her mouth's open...I may aswell fk it :D
Rak I waited 3 weeks for mine...got tired of waiting, uploaded it myself
sorry i'm a spammer. shouldnt have done those two 66b's.
Im still waiting for her to upload my video.. she keeps saying she has a video of me but she wont upload it ^^.
I had a feeling this vid was going to make it's way to 8wr. I wonder how long Dolores will keep this crap up. Now to grab some popcorn.
It's always spamming if you win using it.


May 21, 2015 at 2:00 AM
Posted by LockDownZ
"Dolores here is on a mission to prove every 8wayrun member spams. Well i decided to play by her "rules". Heres the results!"
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